Tally's Magic Scribblings

Diary of a Historical Science Fantasy Fiction Writer

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Merlin's Gambit

Merlin's Gambit is the first novel in the new series entitled A Modern Mythology that I'm working on at the moment. Here's the cover blurb as it stands:



Merlin’s Gambit

The year is AD549, and Merlin, wizard extraordinaire, brought up equal shares druid and Christian, is being sent to Rome to study for the Priesthood with The Professionals. Of course, Merlin has other ideas, and when he meets an Essene traveller called Frances on a road in Italy, who gives him a staff with two entwined snakes carved around it, he glibly flips himself back in time to where The Greatest Story Ever Told began. From here he begins to build himself a power nexus in the 21st century, in Glastonbury, from where he will not only rewrite the story, but will foment the New Dawn of Civilisation, using only a brilliant and beautiful young archaeologist and the blueprint of a 9th century Carolingian monastery that has never been built.

The year is 2013, and Vanda, brilliant young archaeologist, is just completing excavation, in Glastonbury, of  a 6th century Carolingian monastery that should never have been built. But stranger things than this are beginning to happen with exponential rapidity, and Vanda is forced to give up all thought of control in a life that is spiraling so out of control that it no longer seems to be her own.

And then there’s Brian, and the Mysterious Moneymen ...

Join them for a roller-coaster ride through history, the discovery of some of Time’s Most Precious Hidden Secrets and a lot of beautiful scenery.


I'll be posting updates and sneak previews as the work continues, so stay tuned ...


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